Argumentative Essay On Child Marriage Words4 Pages From third world countries to the United States, child brides have became more epidemic. Child marriage is outlawed in many countries and international agreements forbid the practice but yet till this day this tradition stills spans around the world · And though teenage marriages are legal in almost all countries, they can be conjoined with a set of issues that require closer attention. Marriage is not all about love, being in a relationship, and understanding; it also has a much more grounded side, which is finance. Whereas people who get married as an adult, after they already have a job and a separate place to live, teenagers are much /5 Argumentative Essay On Early Marriage Early Marriage. Early marriage is one of the most argumentative topics related to marriage that still exists from the Marriage Is Hard Work. Children in this country are getting married at the of 9. After the boys are married they are Divorced Family
Teen Marriages and Should They be Allowed Essay, Essay Sample
Teen marriage can be defined as the union between people between the ages of 13 to 19 years. In the past teen marriage was considered a norm in many places. Then the legal age for marriage was when a girl reaches the stage of puberty and considered fertile and ready for procreation.
The proposition for delay of marriage age is based on believes that teenagers are not mentally and psychologically prepared to handle the issues that are related to marriage. In the past the focus was to eradicate the prevalence of premarital sex in the society.
Other major factors that contribute to the prevalence of teen marriages include teenage pregnancy, religion, family and peer pressure, poverty and the need for security, arranged marriages and cultural practices that encourage it. Some parts of the world practice teen marriage for the continuation of family bloodline and lineage for economic and political reasons; a good example is the ancient Rome. In the past teenage parenting was not a big issue. Teenage parents were everywhere.
The world of politics, media and academics had not declared it a social problem. Phelps, Furstenber and Colby put that before in America, half of the women were married before the age of After the Second World War, the decline in marriage was witnessed due to women taking educational careers. In s, the average marriage age for teenage marriage argumentative essay had risen to over 21 years.
Today the average ideal age for marriage is 25 years. Are teens ready for marriage? They are not ready to raise children and are not ready to make long lasting commitments to their partners. They suggest that adolescent stage should only be a stage where people learn to practice controlled sexuality. To them the society teaches the teenagers that it is not possible to control themselves as they are just like animals by assuming that it is natural for them to be active to another.
Teen marriages are always bound to break. The highest cases of divorce occur between people who were married in their teens. Stresses such as financial needs have been suggested to be the cause of the breakages in marriage. Annette U. Rickel due to the economic problems the teenagers in a marriage are not able to earn enough for them to make a comfortable life.
Other reason that makes it difficult for teens to get jobs is the law against child labor. When the teenagers are unable to fend for themselves then they are forced to stay with the parents of one of the spouse, teenage marriage argumentative essay. There are bound to be differences between the parents and the young married couple whenever they start living together. The teenagers still have the tendency of despairing for things that other people have and think they may never have.
They also still have not let go of their possessions and find it difficult to share with anyone. The reason for the existence of this believes is that people think that teens marry for all the wrong reasons. Of all the reasons that have been put forward, pregnancy has been suggested to be the major reason that makes teens consider marriage option. Teens also consider marriage just to get far from their parents.
They feel that their parents are too controlling and they want some independence. With this as a reason for marriage then teen marriages teenage marriage argumentative essay headed for divorce. Teens are still in a stage of psychological upheaval and still finding their real personality and undergoing emotional maturation, teenage marriage argumentative essay. Teen marriage has been blamed for the high rate of divorce in the society today. For example Latvia recorded the highest rate of divorce than the rest of Europe and the world in the early s, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
After a study to fathom the cause of the high divorce rate was conducted, marital age for those studied was found to be a major contributing factor to divorce. In5. The marital age for Latvians has been decreasing since s until Wolfgang Lutz, Sergei Scherbov suggests that the reason why teenage marriages break is because of the way teenagers find their mates.
A large percentage of them find their mates through friends and acquaintances while others find their mates at discotheques and parties, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
They never spend enough time to know their partners before they consider taking the vows. Therefore taking time to find an ideal made is not possible for teenagers as they have only met people around them.
The writer claimed that teenagers rush into marriage as a search for freedom. Although the teenagers are looking for freedom they have wasted their chances of living a free live as most of the marriages they go into are bound for divorce.
After marriage the chances of continuing with education are slim as the teens start to provide for their families. The decision to obtain marriage certificate instead of college certificate will be costly in the future of the teens. The writer claims that the lack of education makes the teenager lack foresight and the ability to plan for the future thus rendering the future of married teens vague, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
Teenage marriage has always been considered to be a solution to the problem of single mother parenthood among the young female population. It is also a way of minimizing the rate of premarital sex in the society. In assessing whether teenage marriage should be allowed, it is imperative that policy makers follow the past and current trends of marital age among the population.
The cause in the increase in the age for marriage has to do with the various reasons that affect teen marriages. Apart from economic reasons, there also other health factors that does not encourage the occurrence of teen marriages.
The overall wellbeing of the teenagers in marriage should be considered when deciding whether teen marriages should be allowed. Early marriages are teenage marriage argumentative essay to be highly unstable, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
Divorce rates in the US have teenage marriages contributing the highest percentage. Women who got married at their teens will have a low prospect about marriage at later life teenage marriage argumentative essay they are divorced.
Naomi, teenage marriage argumentative essay, Sailor Those advocating for teen marriage as a solution suggest that studies that have been conducted indicate that teenage marriage improve the economic status of women who come from poor backgrounds.
Studies have also shown that married teenage males enjoy higher economic status than their unmarried counterparts of the same age, teenage marriage argumentative essay. However this only continues until the age of 22 years when their advantage start lacking behind greatly because of lack of proper education.
For the women, marrying and then teenage marriage argumentative essay reduces their chances of enjoying economic prosperity in their later years. Beside economic problems, there also other problems associated with teen marriages such as health, teenage marriage argumentative essay. Married teen mothers are likely to have rapid second birth. According to national longitudinal study, teen mothers who are married are more likely to have rapid birth when they stay with their husbands Sailor, Another problem that has been associated with teen marriages is the prevalence of violence among married teens, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
Teenage relationships are all associated with high level of violence. Although there is no teenage marriage argumentative essay of increased violence after marriage, it should be noted that women teenage marriage argumentative essay the ages of 16 years experience the highest levels of violence. The nature of violence range from victimization from their partners on rape, murder, sexual assault and other aggravated injury, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
The US department of Justice reports that women opt to get married to escape hostile home environment Sailor, Some women also cite childhood abuse as the reason that they became pregnant and want to get to early marriages. Early marriages therefore should be taken to be an indicator that teens are experiencing some trouble in their family.
Maturity of partners in marriage is an essential factor. By considering the age of people in teen marriage, there are bound to be immature and irresponsible acts done by the teens in their marriage. Such kinds of actions may not be a big problem to someone outside marriage context but it posses a serious problem to anyone who is married.
This will make the possibility of them enjoying their union in marriage difficult as the partners may not be ready to commit to the other.
Although teenage marriage has been criticized from many quarters, some people still argue that it may have potential benefits to individuals. Research has shown that teens who marry people from the same social, teenage marriage argumentative essay, racial, economic and sometimes religious background will have higher chances of enjoying longer marriage live.
Men in such relationships have been known to have higher chances of not suffering from heart diseases at old age. In the case of women, there have teenage marriage argumentative essay cases of experiencing low psychological traumas in later life or recovering from them teenage marriage argumentative essay than people who married at after age 30s.
Compared to people who marry at the age of 30, married teens are more likely to enjoy teenage marriage argumentative essay marriage. The key to making a lasting teenage marriage is enabling them make informed decision when they are faced with one by ensuring that they have enough facts before making a decision.
Reference listAyer, Eleanor H. Teen Marriage. Washington: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. Phelps Erin, Furstenberg Frank F. looking at lives: American longitudinal studies Of the twentieth century. London: Russell Sage Foundation. Confident Parents, Exceptional teens: Creating a Teen-friendly Family. New York: Zandovan. Wolfgang, Lutz, Sergei Scherbov, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
Demographic Trends and Patterns in the Soviet Union Before New York: Rutledge. I'm Edwin! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? Skip to content Teen marriage can be defined as the union between people between the ages of 13 to 19 years. Rowan T, teenage marriage argumentative essay.
Is Teen Marriage a Solution?
Argumentative/Persuasive Speech — Teen Pregnancy
, time: 5:04Argumentative Essay On Child Marriage | blogger.com
· Historically teenage marriages have been allowed even by law. In the ancient Rome the minimum age requirement for the boys was 14, while the girls could get married at Later when Rome became Christianized the ecclesiastical law used by the Catholics, adopted these minimum ages. Even when England broke away from the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church carried forth the same age Argumentative Essay On Early Marriage Early Marriage. Early marriage is one of the most argumentative topics related to marriage that still exists from the Marriage Is Hard Work. Children in this country are getting married at the of 9. After the boys are married they are Divorced Family Argumentative Essay On Child Marriage Words4 Pages From third world countries to the United States, child brides have became more epidemic. Child marriage is outlawed in many countries and international agreements forbid the practice but yet till this day this tradition stills spans around the world
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